Wednesday 29 June 2011


through out this whole project I feel the concept of the way I work has shifted dramatically,
for instance : at first I wasn't using reference and lack of research to back up my ideas, but later on
my work was heavily supported by research and reference giving it a more defined and realistic look to my characters.

My time management I have to say wasn't brilliant alot of things happened that changed my plans for my project and I had taken way too long on those paintings almost two weeks! and then I revolutionized my idea for final images using a medium of which i was more comfortable with, I don't think those paintings on such a large scale couldn't gone well if I had proceeded any further and they where to messy anyway to present on display as originals.

I did like that I explored with various medias and especially animation and 3d - I felt it was a massive step out my comfort zone. 


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